Corso Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


Course delivered in English
Lessons: 8
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

This Course on Corporate Social Responsibility has been specially designed for Guilds42 in order to provide an initial approach to this subject. This course can be done in approx 2 hours time.

Course Structure:

  1. - introduction to CSR (9 minutes)
  2. - Categorization (what's inside the CSR) (14 minutes)
  3. - 4 levels (employee benefits, philanthropy, donations and communication, shared value) (17 minutes)
  4. - Benefit for Corporations (loyalty, talent retention, cost cutting, etc) (16 minutes)
  5. - Process 1: internal analysis (values and core business) (15 minutes)
  6. - Process 2: external analysis: market and social needs (15 minutes)
  7. - Process 3: intersection and strategy definition (9 minutes)
  8. - Process 4: strategy implementation (19 minutes)

Obiettivi didattici

This course was created exclusively for Guilds42 by Ethic4Growth. However it is an introduction to a much deeper subject which is becoming a sensitive subject in the Corporate world. Should you wish to dig deeper into this subject in you can join a vibrant Community of experts on the subject with which to compare yourself.

Should you wish to study further, you will find at this link a 52 hours Course with weekly webinar, 12 workshops, practical training and networking. This is not a free course however but require a direct subscription between Ethic4Growth and yourself. Have a look.

Struttura del corso

To ensure a better future for our society and our environment, the world needs more sustainability experts. Still, too many employers and enterprises nowadays lack the relevant skills and the ability to transform notions into actions.

Who is this course for?

  • Everyone can become an e4g Business Changer:
  • People who want to have a first approach to sustainability
  • Young people that wish to change the world through their jobs
  • Students that want to keep up with the trends and be competitive in the job market
  • Freelancers wishful to gather new angles
  • People interested in sustainability, maybe looking for a new job
  • All kind of entrepreneurs wishful to have an impact on their activity.
  • NGO professionals that want to dive into the impact made by the corporate world
  • Junior and senior decision makers
  • People interested in social impact
  • Professionals that want to keep up with the new global trend

9 Moduli
Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility
What is the perception of CSR?
The Ladder of CSR
Why implementing a CSR Strategy
Process 1: Internal Analysis
Social Needs
Process 3: intersection and strategy definition
Process 4: strategy implementation
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) final Test

Foto di ethics4growth
Corso aperto dal 16/12/2020
Durata 2

Questo corso include:

8 video on-demand
9 moduli
18 schede