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Assessment & Strategy

Customer Support Skills




285 iscritti

Descrizione del corso

Course delivered in English
Lessons: 7
Level: Beginner
Access: Free Tutorial

Customer Support Skills is the course that helps you getting trained in the basic skills required to be successful in customer support

Course content

This course has 7 sections with 11 lectures anche can be completed in approx 38 minutes

Writing good emails - 2 lectures for approx 6 minutes
1. Fundamentals of writing a good support email - 03:05 minutes
2. 5 ingredients that make your email exceptional - 02:44 minutes

Empathy in customer service - 2 lectures for approx 6 minutes
3. How to cultivate empathy in customer service - 02:41 minutes
4. 7 ways to show empathy to customers - 03:27 minutes

Handling difficult situations - 2 lectures for approx 6 minutes
5. How to say No to customers - 02:33 minutes
6. 9 tips for dealing with difficult customers - 03:24 minutes

Delivering good social media support - 2 lectures for approx 10 minutes

7. 6 tips to deliver the best customer support on Twitter - 04:28 minutes
8. 7 tips to deliver better customer support on Facebook - 05:05 minutes

Motivation - 1 lecture for approx 5 minutes
9. How to deal with demotivation due to repetitive nature of work - 04:37 minutes

Mistakes yoou make while communicating with customer - 1 lecture for approx 4 minutes
10. 7 things to not do in customer support - 03:44 minutes

Being a Customer Champion - 1 lecture for approx 3 minutes
11. 7 ways to communicate customer feedback - 03:00 minutes



In this course, you will learn how to deliver excellent customer support for your customers.

This course is split into different modules that cater to different aspects of customer support like writing emails, having difficult conversations, developing empathy and more. You will also get access to email templates that will make your job easier.

Who this course is for:

  • Customer support reps
  • Service workers

This course is added onto our catalogue to help you to preparing for a career in Customer Service.

This course is managed by the external partner Udemy. In order to take this course you will need to register on their Academy platform where you can take advantage of this and many other courses on offer.

At the time of publishing this course is offfered as a free tutorial. This platform however may vary in time the its conditions set, being a paid platform. Certificate of completion is not necessary (being a paid service, together with Instructor Q&A and Instructor direct message).

Once you have completetd the course take a proof of completion (screenshot), save it on your device in Jpg or Pdf format and go back to the course page, in Guilds42, to upload it to the appropriate box and validate your skills.


What you will learn

  • Customer service skills
  • Writing emails
  • Having difficult conversations

This course is added onto our catalogue to help you to preparing for a career in Customer Service.

This course is managed by the external partner Udemy. In order to take this course you will need to register on their Academy platform where you can take advantage of this and many other courses on offer. 

At the time of publishing this course is offfered as a free tutorial. This platform however may vary in time the its conditions set, being a paid platform. Certificate of completion is not necessary (being a paid service, together with Instructor Q&A and Instructor direct message).

Once you have completed the course take a proof of completion (screenshot), save it on your device in Jpg or Pdf format and go back to the course page, in Guilds42, to upload it to the appropriate box and validate your skills.