Descrizione del corso
Course delivered in English
Lessons: 3
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)
Course info:
As a marketer, you are likely using multiple systems to manage your data, including Google Analytics and a CRM. Analyzing data across disparate systems can be a challenge. That's where Excel comes in. In this course, you'll learn how to import your data into Excel and use functions, the value of tables and how to use them, how to create your own metrics dashboard, and how to automatically update your data regularly.
Excel for Marketers Crash Course has 11 videos and can be completed in just 60minutes
- Importing and Cleaning Data - 7 minutes
- Counting Items Based on Certain Critera - 5 minutes
- Merge Data From Different List - 6 minutes
- Quiz yourself - 4 questions
- Tables to Make Life Easier- 9 minutes
- Sort and Filter With Tables - 5 minutes
- Pivot Tables From Tables - 8 minutes
- Conditional Formatting to Dynamically Add Color to Reports - 6 minutes
- Quiz yourself - 7 questions
- Charts as a Visualization Tool - 8 minutes
- Dashboards to Display Critical Information - 10 minutes
- Quiz yourself - 4 questions
- Bonus: Using Power Query to do the Heavy Lifting - 7 minutes
- Level Up Your Skills With the GoSkills Basic & Advanced Excel Course - 1 minutes
- Preview the Excel Basic & Advanced Course From GoSkills - 2 minutes
Who is this for?
- Marketers
- StudentsStudents
- Individual Contributors
What you'll learn:
- Format data in Excel and use formulas to gather insights
- Use tables to sort data and create pivot tables.
- Create your own metrics dashboard.
Why this Certification might prove useful to you?
Improve CV
- By becoming certified, you can demonstrate to employers that you have a clear understanding of ecommerce Email Marketing
- You can also add the certification to your CV and easily upload it to your LinkedIn profile.
Building a Career
- Certification is proof of your real digital skills and your desire to learn - two essential qualities in today's business world.
- If you demonstrate these qualities, you are more likely to find the job you want.
- By improving your digital knowledge, you can find a job, get a promotion or start a new career.
- Learn new skills with short video tutorials, then test your preparation with quick quizzes.
- Take the final exam
This Course is managed by our partner Hubspot. In order to tackle it you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.
Be aware, Hubspot Courses (unlike Certifications) do not issue a certification document, therefore do not expect one on this particular course. Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42, take a screenshot as proof of completion and upload it (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.
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