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Excel for Nonprofits - Data Management and Reporting




30 iscritti

Descrizione del corso

Course delivered in English
Lessons: 6
Level: Beginners
Access: Periodically Free Online Course (Audit)

Techsoup may vary periodically access to their couses from paid access (8 Euros) to free access. Considering the difficulty in controlling these changes we leave it up to you to decide whether to access or not.

Do you control your organization's data or does it control you? In this 6 track course, you will learn how to use Excel to manage your data and effectively report your impact.

This course track is currently available at €50.00.

  • Excel 101 - Learn the Basics
  • Excel 102 - Editing and Formatting Text
  • Excel 103 - Designing Your Worksheets
  • Excel 104 - Using Formulas, Functions and Calculations
  • Excel 105 - Using Functions to Format Text
  • Excel 106 - Formatting and Analyzing Charts


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Courses for Nonprofits and Libraries

Techsoup learning content is designed specifically for staff at No Profit organizations. Learn from experts that have deep experience in the sector and understand your unique needs.