Descrizione del corso
Course delivered in English
Lessons: 35
Level: Beginners
Access: Paid Online Course (price may vary)
Spring Framework 5: Learn Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data MongoDB, Hibernate
Course Content
35 modules • 526 lessons. This course could be completed in approx 57 h 43 min
- Module 1 Introduction to Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru - 9 lessons - 43 minutes
- Module 2 Building a Spring Boot Web App - 19 lessons - 2 h 24 min
- Module 3 Dependency Injaction with Spring - 24 lessons - 2 h 54 min
- Module 4 Building a Spring Boot Jokes App - 16 lessons - 1 h 32 min
- Module 5 Spring Framework Configuration -17 lessons - 1 h 57 min
- Module 6 External Properties with Spring Framework - 11 lessons - 1 h 2 min
- Module 7 Web development with Spring MVC - 32 lessons - 3 h 20 min
- Module 8 JPA Data Modelling with Spring and Hibernate - 32 lessons - 3 h 46 min
- Module 9 Project Lombok - 9 lessons 52 min
- Module 10 Testing Spring Framework Application - 22 lessons - 3 h 9 min
- Module 11 CRUD operations with Spring MVC - 33 lessons - 4 h 43 min
- Module 12 Validation and Constraints with Spring MVC - 23 lessons - 2 h 15 min
- Module 13 Introduction to Docker - 11 lessons - 59 min
- Module 14 Working with containers and Images - 15 lessons - 1 h 30 min
- Module 15 Running Spring Boot in a Centos Image - 10 lessons - 48 min
- Module 16 Introduction and Installation of MySQL - 12 lessons - 1 h 5 min
- Module 17 Connecting to MySQL - 8 lessons - 32 min
- Module 18 Using MySQL with Spring Boot - 11 lessons - 1 h 1 min
- Module 19 Spring Data MongoDB - 15 lesson - 47 min
- Module 20 Introduction to Reactive Programming - 6 lessons - 42 min
- Module 21 Reactive Programming with Spring and MongoDB - 15 lessons - 1 h 24 min
- Module 22 Introduction to Spring Framework WebFlux - 16 lessons - 1 h 11 min
- Module 23 Introduction to RESTFul Web Services - 12 lessons - 1 h 7 min
- Module 24 RESTFul Web Services with Spring MVC - 22 lessons - 1 h 51 min
- Module 25 Using Swagger with Spring Boot - 11 lessons - 49 min
- Module 26 RESTFul Web Services with Sping WebFlux - 19 lessons - 1 h 49 min
- Module 27 Spring MVC Content Negotiation - 9 lessons - 1 h 4 min
- Module 28 Spring MVC REST Docs - 16 lessons - 1 h 18 min
- Module 29 JMS Messaging - 14 lessons - 1 h 33 min
- Module 30 Troubleshooting Spring - 10 lessons - 1 h 55 min
- Module 31 DEPRECATED - 2 - Building a Spring Boot Web App - 17 lessons - 1 h 34 min
- Module 32 DEPRECATED - 3 - Dependency Injection with the Spring Framework - 17 lessons - 1 h 50 min
- Module 33 Spring Boot Cookbook - 13 lessons - 2 h 12 min
- Module 34 Appendix A: using GitHub - 2 lessons - 13 min
- Module 35 Appendix B: Spring Framework Youtube Tutorials - 3 lessons - 1 h 26 min
Basic Java knowledge is required
What will you learn:
- Learn the Spring Framework from an instructor who has worked for Pivotal customers as a Spring Source consultant, and has spoken at Spring One
- Learn step by step how to build Spring applications using Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2
- You will develop Spring applications using best practices such as SOLID OOP, GitHub, Test Driven Development, and Continuous Integration Testing
- You will understand how to access data using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate
- Use Spring Framework 5 to build an End to End Reactive application with MongoDB
- Learn About Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5
- Build web applications using Spring MVC
- See how to run a Spring Boot application inside a Docker container
- Get access to a Spring Boot Application Cookbook
Inside This Course
The in demand technologies you will use to build Spring Framework applications, include:
- Spring Framework 5
- Spring Boot 2
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring MVC
- Spring MockMVC
- Spring WebFlux
- Spring Web Client
- Spring Data MongoDB
- Spring RestDocs
- Hibernate
- Project Lombok
- MapStruct
- Maven
- Gradle
- JUnit 4 and JUnit 5
- Mockito
All source code examples used in this course have been developed using the latest version of the Spring Framework - Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2. You will see how modern Spring Framework development is done by leveraging the features of Spring Boot 2.
Jump In and Build a Spring MVC App with Spring Boot!
We'll jump right into web development with the Spring Framework. I'll show you how kick off a Spring Boot project by using the Spring Initializr. We will then go step by step to build a simple Book / Author web application. You will see how easy it is to use Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Data JPA to create a functional web application running under Tomcat with a H2 in-memory database.
Use Test Driven Development!
In addition to teaching you Spring Framework 5, you will learn about modern best practices used in enterprise application development. As we build the applications, you'll see me using Test Driven Development (TDD) with JUnit and Mockito. You will learn how to test Spring applications using JUnit 4 and JUnit 5. While JUnit 5 has been released for some time, many companies are still using JUnit 4. See how using Mockito mocks will keep your Spring Framework unit tests light and fast!
You'll also see how the Spring context can be used for more complex integration tests. These techniques are best practices used by companies all over the world to build and manage large scale Spring Framework applications.
GitHub Source Code
You will have complete access to all source code examples used in the course. In each lesson where we write code, you will have a link to GitHub with two branches in the Github repository. The first branch is the starting state of the code. The second branch is the ending state of the code.You can see exactly what changed in each lesson. Each step of the way, you have a working example you can use for troubleshooting. In fact, you will get access to 24 (and growing!) different GitHub repositories - each packed with Spring Framework programming examples.
And, you're encouraged to fork my GitHub repositories so you can share the Spring Framework applications, which you built, to future employers!
Continuous Integration Builds
Since we are using GitHub and have great test coverage, I also show you how easy it is to set up Continuous Integration builds with CircleCI. Continuous Integration builds are another best practice used by enterprise developers. Using CircleCI makes your CI builds a snap!
Project Lombok
We all know Java development can require a lot of boiler plate code. It's just the nature of Java. Would you like to see how to slash your boiler plate code using Project Lombok?
Spring Data JPA and Hibernate
Spring MVC and Hibernate have long been cornerstones of the Spring Framework. You will learn how to use Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA and Hibernate to build a real world web application. You'll learn about Hibernate configuration, and about the mapping of JPA entities.
The Thymeleaf template engine is hugely popular with the Spring community. You will see how easy Spring Boot makes using Thymeleaf with Spring MVC. While Bootstrap CSS is not a focus of the course, we will leverage Bootstrap CSS to make our web pages look awesome!
Spring MVC
Spring MVC has a lot of robust capabilities. I start you off showing you how to build recipe application (using TDD, of course).
Initially, it's all happy path development. We go back and add custom exception handling, form validation, and internationalization. In the course you will also learn how to use Spring MVC to create RESTful APIs.
Reactive Programming
A big theme of Spring Framework 5 is Reactive Programming. Inside the course we build a web application using Thymeleaf, Spring MVC, Spring Data MongoDB, and MongoDB. We then take the MongoDB application we built and convert it to a Reactive application. You'll see how you can leverage the new Reactive types inside the Spring Framework from the data tier to the web tier. You will get to see step by step how to convert a traditional Spring MVC application to an end to end reactive application using the WebFlux framework - which is brand new to Spring Framework 5.
Spring Pet Clinic
Spring Pet Clinic is a classic reference application used to demonstrate best practices. The Pet Clinic application actually has it's origin within the J2EE/JEE community.
The Spring Framework team took the original Pet Clinic application and rebuilt it using Spring, to demonstrate best practices.
In this course, we will re-create the Spring Pet Clinic application. You will get to see how to create a Spring Framework application from the ground up. Step by Step. The approach used to develop the Spring Pet Clinic application is slightly different than the other applications developed in the course. In addition to showing you how to build a Spring Framework application, you will see best practices in software development.
We start off the Pet Clinic project by creating a GitHub repository. Then using Spring Initializer to generate the basic shell of Spring Boot project. Next you see how to use GitHub to mimic Agile development practices, such as using issues and a backlog. We plan development of the Spring Pet Clinic using GitHub Issues. Planning work into issues creates a work backlog, which is an important Agile concept. In fact, many organizations have a formal rule that no code is changed without having an issue or some type of ticket (in Github, Jira, or some other issue tracker). From there, we use GitHub issues to complete programming assignments. Lessons start with a GitHub ticket, then we complete the programming assignment. You will see how to build a Spring Framework application, step by step, using best practices in software development.
Course Extra - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
Students enrolling in the course can receive a free 4 month trial license to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate! Get hands on experience using the Java IDE preferred by Spring Framework professionals!
Course Extra - Access to a Private Slack Community
You're not just enrolling in a course --> You are joining a community learning Spring.
With your enrollment to the course, you can access an exclusive Slack community. Get help from the instructor and other Spring Framework Gurus from around the world - in real time! This community is only available to students enrolled in this course.
This is a very active Slack community with over 17,100 Spring Framework Gurus! This is the largest online community of people learning Spring in the world. With your enrollment, you can join this community of awesome gurus!
Course Extra - Spring Boot Cookbook!
Inside this course, I'm including a Spring Boot Cookbook. You will have complete examples of using the Spring Framework with popular open source technologies. When you get hired as a Spring Framework developer, you'll have ready made Spring Framework examples!
My Spring Boot Cookbook includes example Spring Boot projects for:
- MongoDB
- Postgres
- Maria DB
- DB2 Express
- Neo4J
- Redis
- Cassandra
- ActiveMQ
- RabbitMQ
Course Extra - Learn Docker!
Docker is an exciting technology that is on fire right now!
As a course extra, I'm including the first 3 sections from my top rated Docker for Java Developers course. You will learn more about what Docker is and how you can deploy and run a Spring Boot application inside a Docker container. For Java developers, Docker really is a game changer!
Closed Captioning / Subtitles
- Closed captioning in English is available for all course videos!
PDF Downloads
- All keynote presentations are available for you to download as PDFs.
Lifetime Access
- When you purchase this course, you will receive lifetime access! You can login anytime from anywhere to access the course content.
No Risk - Money Back Guarantee
You can buy this course with no risk. If you are unhappy with the course, for any reason, you can get a complete refund. The course has a 30 day Money Back Guarantee.
Future Proof Your Programming Career
There is huge demand for Spring Framework developers. Downloads of Spring Boot are up 425% year over year, while Gartner Research is calling Java EE "Obsolete". The market trends are clear.
- Popularity for JEE is rapidly declining.
- The popularity for the Spring Framework is growing.
Spring Framework 5 is packed with exciting and innovative new features making it a natural choice for enterprise application development.
Course Description
Learn Spring with the most modern and comprehensive course available for Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2. You will see how to build multiple real world applications using Spring Framework 5. This is the only major Spring Framework course on Udemy developed completely on version 5 of the Spring Framework. Be careful of Spring Framework 4 courses, which have just added some content for Spring Framework 5. This course shows you the latest Spring programing technologies and real world industry best practices.
This course is managed by the external partner Udemy. In order to take this course you will need to register on their Academy platform where you can take advantage of this and many other courses on offer. This course is not a free course but it is considered an excellent valuable preparation to jet you Job ready in Java Development. Guilds42 shall not make it compulsory in any of Pilot, however it comes highly reccommended by expert and everyone should at least consider it.
Should you wish to dig deeper you might decide to subscribe to a yearly Paid plan directly with Udemy. Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (screenshot, jpg / png / pdf) for the specific course. Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.