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Learn What Website Optimization Is And How To Do It [Course]




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Descrizione del corso

Course delivered in English
Lessons: 4
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

Course Info:
Learn What Website Optimization Is And How To Do It - FREE Course

Your website plays a huge role in hitting the goals that marketers care about, like website traffic and leads for your business. In this course, you'll learn how to fix common website issues including improving website performance, enhancing SEO for a website, optimizing a website for mobile, implementing website security best practices, and website personalization. Made for marketers by marketers, this course puts technical topics into simple language and instructs you on how to implement your own solutions or discuss with your web expert.

Who is this for?

  • Managers
  • Directors
  • Website Owners

What you'll learn:

  • Understand the importance of website optimization.
  • Troubleshoot issues on your website.
  • Implement solutions to improve your website.

Course Details:
5 lessons, 16 videos, 5 quizzes for approx 1:23 hours


Course Details

  1. Improving Website Performance
    4 videos (26 minutes) by Corey Braccialini
  2. Enhancing a Website's SEO
    4 videos (24 minutes) by Corey Braccialini
  3. Optimizing a Website for Mobile
    3 videos (12 minutes) by Corey Braccialini
  4. Implementing Website Security Best Practices
    2 videos (10 minutes) by Corey Braccialini
  5. Creating Memorable User Experiences With Website Personalization
    2 videos (10 minutes) by Corey Braccialini


Managing a website can be complicated and technical, but taking the time to optimize your site, will help you achieve the business goals that you care about. Website optimization encompasses all of the technical and marketing techniques used to acquire traffic, engage visitors, and then convert them into prospects or buyers.

This sounds like a lot, but in this course, we're gonna break down website optimization best practices, and the actionable steps that you can take to improve your website. We'll cover five topics in depth including: Website performance, Search engine optimization, Mobile optimization, Website security, and Personalizing the user experience.

Before taking this course, I recommend that you use HubSpot's Website Grader tool if you have it already, to see how your website is already performing and get familiar with the website strengths and weaknesses. I've linked to it in the resources section. Website Grader will give you a score that includes the topic we'll cover in this course and knowing that score ahead of time, will help you to understand where you should focus most of your efforts. Once your website has been graded, head on back to the scores to learn how to optimize your site to perform it's best.


This course is broken into five lessons, and the lessons match up with what you'll see in the Website Grader tool. Feel free to pick and choose the lessons that you need to take based on your own score. Or if you're ready to master website optimization, you can take the entire course to all about performance, SEO, mobile, security, and personalization. Throughout this course, you will have access to checklists, articles, and other resources too. Ready to get started? Let's jump on it.

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Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.