Descrizione del corso
Course delivered in Italian
Lessons: 21
Level: Intermediate
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)
Course info:
This is a Trailmix created for you in the Trailhead Academy that should help you prepare for Your Salesforce Administrator credential. Check out this trailmix that has been curated to help you get exam ready! upon completion will also assign you a total of +36,700 points. Contents are both in English and Italian. You can easily switch to a number of different languages available on footer.
Link: Administrator Exam Overview - Exam Guide, Scheduling your Exam, Recommended Courses, and Quick Facts.
Attività: Configuration and Setup - Exam Weight 20%
Modulo 1: Nozioni di base su Salesforce Platform (+900 punti)
- Scopri la piattaforma, esplora i casi d'uso e sviluppa funzionalità personalizzate. - Approx 45 minuti
Progetto: Preparare l'organizzazione Salesforce per gli utenti (+500 punti)
- Impostare gli strumenti di cui gli utenti hanno bisogno per le vendite di un'azienda globale - 50 minuti
Modulo 2: Gestire gli utenti (+1.000 punti)
- Configura gli utenti e controlla come possono visualizzare o modificare i dati aziendali.- Approx 45 minuti
Link: View and Manage Users - Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Progetto: Personalizzare un'organizzazione per supportare una nuova unità operativa (+500 punti)
- Gestire gli utenti e ottimizzare il modello di business per aumentarne l'efficienza - Approx 1 ora 30 minuti
Modulo 3: Nozioni di base su Identity (+300 punti)
- Proteggi l'organizzazione in modo che gli utenti possano eseguire la procedura di accesso solo una volta per accedere a una gamma di app, organizzazioni e servizi. - Approx 35 minuti
Link: Control Who Sees What - Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Modulo 4: Sicurezza dei dati (+3.100 punti)
- Controllo dell'accesso ai dati tramite strumenti di sicurezza point-and-click. - Approx 1 ora 50 minuti
Modulo 5: Gruppi di insiemi di autorizzazioni (+1.100 punti)
- Utilizza i gruppi di insiemi di autorizzazioni per raggruppare gli insiemi di autorizzazioni per una funzione.- Approx 40 minuti
Progetto: Proteggere i dati in Salesforce (+500 punti)
- Proteggere l'organizzazione Salesforce controllando l'accesso e i permessi per i dati degli utenti. - Approx 1 ora 5 minuti
Attività: Object Manager and Lightning App Builder - Exam Weight 20%
Modulo 6: Modellazione dei dati (+1.500 punti)
- Organizza i dati in modo strutturato con oggetti, campi e relazioni. - Approx 45 minuti
Link: Object Relationships Overview - Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Modulo 7: Personalizzazione di Lightning Experience (+2.700 punti)
- Personalizza l'interfaccia utente di Lightning Experience senza scrivere codice. - Approx 3 ore
Progetto: Personalizzare oggetti Salesforce (+800 punti)
- Usare elenchi di selezione, formule e altri strumenti per personalizzare gli oggetti dell'organizzazione - Approx 1 ora 45 minuti
Link: Notes on Changing Custom Field Types - Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Modulo 8: Generatore di app Lightning (+3.100 punti)
- Crea rapidamente pagine personalizzate per Lightning Experience con gli strumenti point-and-click.- Approx 2 ore 50 minuti
Modulo 9: Formule e convalide (+1.500 punti)
- Personalizza le app senza scrivere codice, utilizzando la logica point-and-click.- Approx 1 ora
Attività: Sales and Marketing Applications - Exam Weight 12%
Modulo 10: Account e referenti (+600 punti)
- Scopri come gli account e i referenti interagiscono in Salesforce. - Approx 30 minuti
Modulo 11: Lead e opportunità (+1.200 punti)
- Scopri come potenziare il processo di vendita con i lead e le opportunità in Salesforce. - Approx 1 ora 10 minuti
Modulo 12: Prodotti, preventivi e contratti (+1.000 punti)
- Configura listini prezzi, modelli e contratti per aiutare gli agenti di vendita a vendere i prodotti.- Approx 35 minuti
Modulo 13: Nozioni di base sulle campagne (+400 punti)
- Scopri come organizzare e tenere sotto controllo le iniziative di marketing sfruttando al meglio le campagne. - Approx 40 minuti
Progetto: Customize a Sales Path for Your Team (+300 punti)
- Guide your reps during the sales process and make them more productive. - Approx 30 minuti
Attività: Service and Support Applications - Exam Weight 11%
Modulo 14: Service Cloud per Lightning Experience (+800 punti)
- Imposta l'assistenza clienti per la tua azienda. - Approx 1 ora 35 minuti
Progetto: Set Up the Service Console (+400 punti)
- Create a customized app to help support agents efficiently manage cases. - Approx 1 ora
Progetto: Create a Process for Managing Support Cases (+300 punti)
- Streamline workflow and improve productivity with new processes, record types, and rules. - Approx 35 minuti
Progetto: Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements (+700 punti)
- Create processes to help support teams become more efficient. - Approx 1 ora 50 minuti
Attività: Productivity and Collaboration - Exam Weight 7%
Link: Activities: Tasks, Events, and Calendars - Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Modulo 15: Amministrare Chatter per Lightning Experience (+1.300 punti)
- Introduzione all'amministrazione di Chatter in Lightning Experience. - Approx 1 ora 5 minuti
Modulo 16: Nozioni di base su AppExchange (+900 punti)
- Potenziare Salesforce con le app e i servizi di AppExchange. - Approx 55 minuti
Attività: Data and Analytics Management - Exam Weight 14%
Modulo 17: Gestire i dati (+600 punti)
- Scopri come importare ed esportare i dati in Salesforce. - Approx 35 minuti
Modulo 18: Gestire i duplicati (+600 punti)
- Risolvi e previeni la duplicazione dei record per accrescere la fiducia degli utenti nei tuoi dati. - Approx 50 minuti
Progetto: Import and Export with Data Management Tools (+300 punti)
- Use and the Data Import Wizard to manage data in Salesforce.- Approx 45 minuti
Link: How to Update Records Using the External ID Using Data Loader - Salesforce Support Video Tutorial - Approx 5 minuti
Modulo 19: Rapporti e cruscotti digitali per Lightning Experience (+2.100 punti)
- Visualizza le metriche aziendali chiave in tempo reale con Lightning Experience. - Approx 1 ora 50 minuti
Progetto: Creare rapporti e cruscotti digitali per i responsabili commerciali e del marketing (+700 punti)
- Aiuta gli stakeholder a monitorare informazioni chiave per l'azienda con i rapporti e i cruscotti digitali.- Approx 1 ora 40 minuti
Link: Compare Access Levels for Report and Dashboard Folders - Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Attività: Workflow / Process Automation - Exam Weight 16%
Link: Workflow: Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Link: Which Automation Tool Do I Use? Trailblazer Community Documentation - Approx 10 minuti
Modulo 20: Approvare i record tramite processi di approvazione (+600 punti)
- Assicurati che i record critici vengano visionati dalle persone giuste al momento giusto. - Approx 30 minuti
Progetto: Creare un processo di approvazione per gli sconti (+400 punti)
- Aiuta gli agenti di vendita a ottenere l'approvazione per le loro offerte di sconto. - Approx 1 ora 5 minuti
Progetto: Creare un semplice flusso (+400 punti)
- Utilizza Flow Builder per acquisire e aggiornare informazioni sui referenti con un flusso. - Approx 45 minuti
Modulo 21: Nozioni di base di Flow Builder (+800 punti)
- Esplora Flow Builder e scopri quando usare i flussi per automatizzare i processi aziendali. - Approx 40 minuti
Attività: Additional Preparation
Additional resources to help prepare you for certification.
- Superbadge - Admin Super Set (+2.000 punti)
Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Admin Super Set. - Approx 1 ora - Superbadge - User Authentication Specialist Superbadge (+2.000 punti)
Complete the capstone assessment to earn the User Authentication Specialist Superbadge.- Approx 1 ora - Module: Study for the Administrator Certification Exam (+800 punti)
Get ready for the administrator certification exam with interactive study tools. - Approx 1 ora 20 minuti - Link: Administrator Certification Prep Interactive Practice Test
This test gives you the opportunity to experience the format and level of questions you may see on the exam. - Approx 30 minuti - Link: Administrator Practice Test
This test will allow you to experience the environment, format, and level of questions you may see on the exam.- Approx 1 ora 30 minuti - Link: Prepare for your Administrator Certification Exam (CRT101)
(Optional) Instructors will present different scenarios tied to the exam objectives to help prepare you for your exam. - Approx 8 ore
About the Salesforce Administrator Exam and Program
The Salesforce Administrator credential is designed for individuals who have experience with Salesforce and continuously look for ways to assist their companies in getting even more from additional features and capabilities. The exam covers the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end user, and the configuration and management options available to an administrator across the Sales, Service, and Collaboration Clouds.
There are two certifications within the Salesforce Certified Administrator program. The first is the Salesforce Certified Administrator credential, which focuses on the features and functionality used to maintain a Salesforce implementation.
The second certification in the program is the Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce Certified Administrator who has mastered Salesforce configuration maintenance, can demonstrate an understanding of administration best practices, and is able to use the advanced features and functionality to solve a variety of business problems.
Audience Description: Salesforce Certified Administrator
Salesforce Certified Administrator candidates should have a general knowledge of the features available to end users and the configuration options available to a Salesforce Administrator. Candidates should be able to maintain a Salesforce organization, respond to common business requirements, and perform administrative functions using current Salesforce features.
Additionally, candidates should have 6 or more months of experience as a Salesforce Administrator and should be able to successfully perform the tasks outlined in the exam objectives section of this guide.
Candidates should possess broad knowledge of customizing Salesforce, regularly configuring the platform, managing users, and looking for ways to get even more out of its features and capabilities.
Salesforce is used by a wide range of companies from small start-ups to large enterprise companies in various industries. Getting indept knowledge of Salesforce Platform then can boost your professional career and get you a bright future. You them should start looking at the road ahead using this Certification Guide.
In order to acquire the necessary skills you should start your Learning path online using the official learning Platform called Trialhead.
Trails are guided learning paths through modules and projects that help you cover the most ground in the shortest amount of time. Consider them your personal game plan for exploring new skills. You will find over 200 learning Models in different subjects, according to defferent roles, your level and the product you are interested in.
The learning Object you will find in Trailhead shall allow you to prepare for a Salesforce Credential Certification. Thus you may choose between 5 different paths: Salesforce Administrator, Salesforce Architect, Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Marketer, Salesforce Consultant.
Further Details can be found at
Be Advised, accessing the Exam Salesforce Credential is going to be difficult and it's not for free! So get busy studying all Learning content in Trailhead!
When the time comes, and you'll feel ready to get your Certification, this is what you'll find:
- Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions
- Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes
- Passing score: 67%
- Registration fee: USD 200 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
- Retake fee: USD 100 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
- Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment on scheduling an exam.
- References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
Don't be surprised, it's totally worthed!
This course is managed by the external partner Trailhead. In order to take this course you will need to register on their Academy platform where you can take advantage of this and many other courses on offer. Trailhead will not issue you a Certification. We will do it!
Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.