Corso Understand the basics of machine learning


Course delivered in English
Lessons: 3
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

What will you learn:

Discover some of the ways machine learning is helping improve lives and grow businesses. In these videos, we'll explore what these technologies are and how they can be applied in real life to help businesses grow.

This course is estimated to take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

1.Making sense of a messy world

  • Watch the lesson 2 minutes
  • Check your knowledge 2 minutes

2. Solving problems small, big and prickly

  • Watch the lesson 2 minutes
  • Check your knowledge 2 minutes

3.Applying machine learning to business problems

  • Watch the lesson 2 mnutes
  • Check your knowledge 2 minutes

Take the Quiz and get your certification for Intro to machine learning

Obiettivi didattici

About this course

Whether it's recommending movies or helping scientists find breakthrough cures, machine learning is a powerful new tool with untold potential. In the Understanding the basics of machine learning course videos, we'll explore what these technologies are and how they can be applied in real life to help businesses grow.

Machine learning is a powerful new tool for solving problems, from filtering a photo collection to helping people tackle some of the world's most pressing global challenges in health, environment, and beyond.

Struttura del corso

This course is organized by the external partner Google Academy. In order to take this course you will need to register on their Academy platform where you can take advantage of this and many other courses on offer.  As per May 2023 the course is made available "free of charge" and therefore you should not be charged for it. 

AI & Machine Learning
Corso aperto dal 25/07/2024
Durata 1

Questo corso include: