Descrizione del corso
Course delivered in English
Lessons: 7
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)
Course info:
Understanding Workflows in Hubspot Course has 7 videos and can be performed in just over 20 minutes
- Why is marketing automation important? - 3 minuti
- How to get started with automation in HubSpot - 1 minute
- Creating a workflow in HubSpot: Start from scratch - 3 minuti
- Creating a workflow in HubSpot: Using a template - 1 minute
- Practical exercise - Create a Workflow
- How to set a workflow goal in HubSpot - 1 minute
- Set your workflow enrollment triggers - Knowledge base
- How to add actions to your workflows in HubSpot - 2 minuti
- How to review the settings of your workflow in HubSpot - 1 minute
- Quiz yourself - 3 questions
Exercise instructions
This exercise is required in order to complete the lesson. It will be graded automatically.
- Make sure your account meets the criteria.
- Should you need to open a developer licence (free) you should follow instructions here
- When you've finished the exercise, it'll be graded within 24 hours.
- You must pass this exercise to become certified.
This Course is part of a series of Hubspot Professional Learning path focalised in WORKFLOW. The whole course is accessible at the following link and it has a total of 6 Lessons,6 Quizzes: and 3 Practical exercises which can be done in approx 2 hours
To make it more appetible we have separated the 6 lessons into "individual" short certification on The 6 courses are:
- Nurture Leads and Customers With HubSpot
- Creating a Contact Management and Segmentation Strategy
- Understanding Segmentation in Hubspot
- Creating a High Performing Email
- Understanding Email in Hubspot
- Understanding Workflows in Hubspot
Completing this course will help you fully understand:
- how to interact, engage, and delight.
- Each piece of the inbound methodology comes together to spin your business's flywheel.
- Nurturing your customers—and potential customers—will help you and your business continue to grow.
- Learn how to build a segmentation strategy for your business, develop high-performing emails, and continue to nurture with HubSpot automation.
Marketing automation technology can make tasks simpler and easier and help you deliver content to your leads and customers at the right time. In this lesson, you'll learn about the importance of automation and how to get started using workflows, the automation tool in HubSpot.
This Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to tackle it you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.
Once you have completed the course on Hubspot Academy, even without having completed the last tutorial (which requires access to an Enterprise License) go back to this page and take the final quiz. Upon passing the test, you will automatically be assigned this certification in the dashboard.
Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domain and the name of the Company. Please enter e Guilds42 when asked.
Questo corso è gestito dal partner esterno Hubspot. Per conseguire la tua certificazione dovrai iscriverti alla loro piattaforma Academy per poter usufruire di questo ed altri percorsi offerti.
Attenzione: durante il processo di registrazione ti verrà richiesto di inserire il Dominio Aziendale e il nome aziendale, inserisci e Guilds42 quando richiesto.
Una volta completato il corso su Hubspot Academy, anche senza aver completato l'ultima esercitazione (che richiede accesso ad una Enterprise Licence) torna in questa pagina e fai il quiz finale. Al superamento del test automaticamente ti vedrai assegnata questa certificazione in dashboard.