Corso Working in a Digital World: Professional Skills


Course delivered in English
Lessons: 6
Livello: Foundational
Access: Free Online Course (Credential)

About this digital credential
This badge earner understands key skills for professional success and core soft skills needed in the information technology workforce. This knowledge of skills and behaviors includes creating and delivering presentations; using agile approaches for working professionally to deliver quality work and experiences to customers; collaborating effectively with teams; communicating with impact; dealing with challenges in a controlled and focused manner; and solving problems and implementing solutions.

Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian, and Czech

Earning criteria

  • Complete the Professional Skills learning plan, which includes these courses: Collaborate Effectively, Present with Purpose, Interpersonal Skills, Deliver Quality Work with Agility, and Solving Problems with Critical and Creative Thinking.
  • Complete the end-of-course assessments with a score of 80% or higher.
  • Note: Japanese language learners will complete an alternate Professional Skills learning plan that contains different courses, but covers similar knowledge areas.
  • This badge is available to registered users of IBM SkillsBuild

Obiettivi didattici

Badging opportunity:

This Badge Working in a Digital World: Professional Skills can be achieved once alle these 5 courses have been completed:

  1. Present with Purpose
  2. Collaborate Effectively
  3. Interpersonal Skills
  4. Deliver Quality Work with Agility
  5. Solving Problems with Critical and Creative Thinking

Struttura del corso

Explore IBM SkillsBuild digital credentials
Next generation of learning recognition designed for aspiring career seekers and professionals

Digital credentials open new pathways to employment and are an important tool in today’s competitive job market. They are industry-recognized and represent skill, knowledge, and competency achievements that are meaningful for their earners, and essential to employers.

Why you should consider it

  1. Expand talent pool
    Employers can identify talented professionals from a variety of backgrounds, including those who may have traditionally been undervalued.
  2. Skills validation
    Provides a standardized and verified way to assess a candidate's skills and knowledge, making it easier for employers to identify qualified candidates.
  3. Better matching
    Allows employers to more effectively match the right candidate with the right job, ensuring that they have the necessary skills and qualifications to perform the role.
  4. Portability
    Stored online and accessed from anywhere. Earners can share their credentials with potential employers, educational institutions, or anyone who needs to verify their achievements.
  5. Security
    More secure than paper certificates or transcripts. They can't be lost or damaged. They incorporate encryption and verification measures to ensure they are authentic and cannot be forged.
  6. Increased visibility
    Can be shared on social media, professional networking sites, or personal websites, increasing the visibility of the earner's achievements.All organizations deal with data in one way or another. You’ll be able to apply this highly-valued skillset to a variety of sectors in various analytics capacities.

Some examples of jobs that require expertise in working with data:

  • Data analyst
  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Data scientist
  • Quantitative analyst
  • Operations analyst
  • Data analytics consultant

This course is managed by the external partner Skill Build IBM platform. In order to take this course you will need to register on their Academy platform where you can take advantage of this and many other courses on offer.

Complete all three courses and earn the Working in a Digital World: Professional Skills badge

Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

Create a Credly Account

Digital credentials are industry-recognized and represent your achievement of skills, knowledge, and competencies.

IBM SkillsBuild issues digital credentials using Credly, so it's important to set up a Credly account to claim your credentials.

If you don't have a Credly account, complete these steps to create one now and claim the credentials you've worked hard to earn:

  1. Access Credly.
  2. Locate and select Sign in.
  3. Select Create account.
  4. Enter your details in the required fields.
  5. Use the same email address for Credly as you do for SkillsBuild.
  6. Check your inbox for a verification email from Credly and follow the instructions.

Tip: After you earn your first credential, enable the Auto-Accept feature so that future credentials from IBM SkillsBuild are automatically accepted and displayed on your Credly profile.

By signing up for a Credly account, you are unlocking the value of credentials and ensuring your accomplishments are registered, recognized, and shareable!

Corso aperto dal 23/08/2024
Durata 1

Questo corso include: