Canva Design School

Corsi disponibili di Canva Design School

tematica Data Analytics & Visualization

Course delivered in English
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

Canva Design School Courses
The Canva Design School is Canva's educational platform, blog, interactive workshop series, and teacher resource hub, aimed at increasing the world's visual literacy. The key components of Canva’s Design School are:

  • Interactive Online Design Course. Take interactive tutorials on branding, fonts, layouts, images and more. Track your progress and share your results with friends.
  • Daily Design Publication. Read great content every day on Canva’s Design School blog. Our range of experts will share practical tips that you can use.
  • Teacher Resources Portal and Lesson Plans. A comprehensive series of workshops and lesson plans designed for teachers to use in the classroom. Teach your students the importance of visual communication with practical classroom activities.
tematica Assessment & Strategy

Course delivered in English
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

Canva Design School Courses
The Canva Design School is Canva's educational platform, blog, interactive workshop series, and teacher resource hub, aimed at increasing the world's visual literacy. The key components of Canva’s Design School are:

  • Interactive Online Design Course. Take interactive tutorials on branding, fonts, layouts, images and more. Track your progress and share your results with friends.
  • Daily Design Publication. Read great content every day on Canva’s Design School blog. Our range of experts will share practical tips that you can use.
  • Teacher Resources Portal and Lesson Plans. A comprehensive series of workshops and lesson plans designed for teachers to use in the classroom. Teach your students the importance of visual communication with practical classroom activities.

Should you have problem understanding english language videos, please be aware that transcripts are also available