Orientamento - Content Marketing

Questo percorso Cluster è stato disegnato per offrire una chiave di accesso Entry a chi è interessato a sviluppare l'ambito professionale di Content Marketing, che permetterà di misurarsi con Botteghe di Lead Generation, Crowdfunding, E-commerce tra le altre.

Guilds42 non è semplicemente una piattaforma di E-Learning, il nostro approccio è diverso. Guilds42 si occupa di "curation di percorsi formativi".

Secondo Guilds42 non è lo studio il focus, ma piuttosto tornare ad offrire a chi ha ambizione di crescere dei percorsi e delle scelte.

Non si studia per "il pezzo di carta" ma piuttosto per prepararsi ad una attività concreta dove approfondire e sporcarsi le mani con le nozioni teoriche studiate. Formarsi significa solo iniziare a "prepararsi" per svolgere operativamente un lavoro; per questo ogni Certificazione, ogni Cluster ed ogni Bottega Guilds42 sono livelli diversi di percorsi (Next Level Up appunto). Sono percorsi brevi che però permettono di capire, assaggiare e misurarsi con tematiche diverse. Su alcuni percorsi scoccherà la scintilla e scopriremo l'ambito su cui vogliamo approfondire e focalizzarci. Su altri capiremo finalmente che “non fa per noi”. Questa, credeteci, è crescita!

In Guilds42 si entra e, come primo livello, si affrontano certificazioni. Questo è il primo passo per avvicinarsi ad una tematica nuova. Nulla però è in grado di "consolidare" quelle nozioni e trasformarle in modalità di lavoro nuove, come l'esperienza di Bottega Pilot (secondo livello) .

Chi vi cerca, non si fermerà alle nozioni teoriche (Hard Skills e certificazioni) ma si domanderà "che cosa hai già fatto"? A questa domanda sarà l'esperienza in Bottega a rispondere durante un colloquio, una esperienza reale, concreta, in collaborazione, con deadlines e consegne, a fianco di Artisti esigenti e clienti paganti.
Questo è ciò che cercano le aziende nei vostri curriculum; saper abbinare Certificazioni (di strumenti di lavoro) ad esperienza pratica quindi non solo aiuta a crescere rapidamente ma porta reali benefici spendibili sul mercato.

Le vostre dashboard Guilds42 sapranno presentare le informazioni necessarie meglio di ogni curriculum: hard skills, Learnability, rating, Ranking sono metriche che aiutano a comprendere e facilitano l'allineamento tra ciò che le aziende cercano ed i percorsi di crescita individuali.

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Per questo cluster devi completare 11 certificazioni e tu ne hai già completati 0

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 14
    Level: Intermediate
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Content Marketing: Learn What Content Marketing is and How to Do It - FREE Certification Course
    This certification course will give you an overview of how to become an effective content marketer.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter guilds42.com e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 7
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course Info:

    Learn What Content Marketing is and How to Do It - FREE Certification Course
    This certification course will give you an overview of how to become an effective content marketer.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter guilds42.com e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 9
    Level: Intermediate
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Social Media Strategy Certification Course -FREE Certification Course

    The newly updated Social Media Certification will help you shape the conversation around your business, build loyalty, and attract new customers and partners; it's the only social media training you'll ever need. Building an effective social media strategy will expand all of your other inbound marketing efforts as well as build brand awareness, drive word of mouth, and attract buyers. In other words, social media is the ultimate way to do inbound marketing. Join HubSpot Academy professor, Crystal King, and invest in your business' growth and your career by learning how to: build an effective social media strategy, set up social listening and moderation, create social content, extend your reach, excel in digital advertising, measure ROI, and more.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter guilds42.com e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 7
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Inbound Marketing - FREE Certification Course
    Learn inbound marketing techniques that range from content creation to social promotion to converting and nurturing leads and beyond. By the end of this certification course, you’ll be well on your way to building your inbound marketing strategy.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter guilds42.com e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Assessment & Strategy

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 7
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Questo corso ti insegnerà come eseguire analisi della concorrenza ed eseguire ricerche di parole chiave, passaggi cruciali nella tua SEO, con l'aiuto degli strumenti di SEMrush. Dopo aver completato il corso, avrai conoscenze sufficienti per sostenere e superare il test di accompagnamento e continuare a studiare il toolkit SEO SEMrush.


    La piattaforma Academy di SEMrush è divisa in due parti. Seguendo il link che ti abbiamo fornito entrerai nella fase di formazione. Quando avrai terminato i moduli e sarai pronto a fare l'esame, la piattaforma ti indirizzerà alla sezione "Exams".

    Cosa fare una volta completata la certificazione

    • Loggati in Guilds42 e vai nella tua Dashboard
    • Seleziona dal menù a tendina il corso "SEMrush Organic Research"
    • Carica il link della tua certificazione e il completamento.
    • Salva e noi daremo un'occhiata per validare la certificazione
    • Intanto che ci sei carica la tua nuova qualifica e mostrala su LinkedIn insieme al tuo CV.

    tematica Assessment & Strategy

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 3
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Se sei nuovo su SEMrush e non hai idea di come iniziare, questo corso introduttivo è perfetto per te! Il corso ti preparerà ad approfondire i toolkit SEMrush con i nostri corsi specializzati.


    La piattaforma Academy di SEMrush è divisa in due parti. Seguendo il link che ti abbiamo fornito entrerai nella fase di formazione. Quando avrai terminato i moduli e sarai pronto a fare l'esame, la piattaforma ti indirizzerà alla sezione "Exams".

    Cosa fare una volta completata la certificazione

    • Loggati in Guilds42 e vai nella tua Dashboard
    • Seleziona dal menù a tendina il corso "SEMrush Organic Research"
    • Carica il link della tua certificazione e il completamento.
    • Salva e noi daremo un'occhiata per validare la certificazione
    • Intanto che ci sei carica la tua nuova qualifica e mostrala su LinkedIn insieme al tuo CV.
    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 14
    Level: Advanced
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    To do inbound marketing well, you need to start your journey with the marketing software the right way. It’s a big platform with a lot of tools, and to get the most value out of them, you need a foundation of knowledge and an understanding of how they all work together. These lessons will equip you with the fundamental understanding you need to do marketing well using HubSpot.

    During this course you will be asked to perform 2 Practical Exercises on Hubspot: "Create a Task" and "Create or send a sales email template"

    Exercise instructions

    • This exercise is required in order to complete the lesson. It will be graded automatically. Make sure your account meets the criteria.
    • Should you need to open a developer licence (free) you should follow instructions here (account Developer https://developers.hubspot.com/).
    • When you've finished the exercise, it'll be graded within 24 hours.
    • You must pass this exercise to become certified.
    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 3
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Understanding the fundamentals of lead nurturing will help you build long-lasting relationships with your customers. The purpose of a lead nurturing strategy is to help your company create meaningful relationships with people at any point in their journey with you. And the first step is to understand the buyer's journey and the types of content you need to offer in each stage. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create a vision for your marketing actions, how to send the right content to your contacts, and how to set the foundation for long-lasting, successful relationships.

    Nurture Leads and Customers With HubSpot has 3 video and can be completed in just over 20 minutes

    • Why is lead nurturing important? - 7 minutes
    • What are the fundamentals of a lead nurturing strategy? - 7 minutes
    • What does an effective lead nurturing campaign look like? - 9 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 3 questions

    Exercise instructions

    • This exercise is required in order to complete the lesson. It will be graded automatically. Make sure your account meets the criteria.
    • Should you need to open a developer licence (free) you should follow instructions here (account Developer https://developers.hubspot.com/).
    • When you've finished the exercise, it'll be graded within 24 hours.
    • You must pass this exercise to become certified.
    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 6
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Understanding Segmentation in Hubspot has 6 videos and can be completed in just 17 minutes

    • Why is segmentation important? - 2 minutes
    • How do you build segments? - 2 minutes
    • What are the types of segments you can build? - 3 minutes
    • When to use a segment vs a report - 2 minutes
    • How to create a list in HubSpot - 1 minute
    • Practical exercise - Create an Active List in HubSpot
    • Where to use segmentation in HubSpot - 1 minute
    • Quiz yourself - 3 questions

    During this course you will be asked to perform a Practical Exercise on Hubspot: Create an Active List in HubSpot

    Exercise instructions

    • This exercise is required in order to complete the lesson. It will be graded automatically. Make sure your account meets the criteria.
    • Should you need to open a developer licence (free) you should follow instructions here
    • When you've finished the exercise, it'll be graded within 24 hours.
    • You must pass this exercise to become certified.
    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 3
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Creating a High Performing Email has 3 videos and can be completed in just 30 minutes

    • Why focus on high-performing email? - 5 minutes
    • How do you create a high-performing email? - 16 minutes
    • What do high-performing emails look like? - 6 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 5 questions
    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 6
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Understanding Email in Hubspot course has 6 videos and can be completed in just 16 minutes

    • Why is email marketing important? - 2 minuti
    • How to create a new email in HubSpot - 1 minute
    • How to draft an email in HubSpot - 3 minuti
    • How to add contacts to an email send in HubSpot - 1 minute
    • How to review your email in HubSpot before sending - 1 minute
    • How to review your email in HubSpot after sending - 1 minute
    • Quiz yourself 2 questions

    Practical exercise - Create an email in HubSpot

    Exercise instructions

    This exercise is required in order to complete the lesson. It will be graded automatically.

    • Make sure your account meets the criteria.
    • Should you need to open a developer licence (free) you should follow instructions here
    • When you've finished the exercise, it'll be graded within 24 hours.
    • You must pass this exercise to become certified.