JOB - Campaign Manager Junior

Metrika, azienda di Milano fondata nel 2018 come “Startup Innnovativa” per Servizi di Marketing & Comunicazione innovativi, ci ha commissionato la ricerca di una risorsa che offra supporto Esecutivo al Direttore Marketing e Comunicazione dell'Azienda.

Campaign Manager Junior: la risorsa coadiuvata dal Chief Digital Officer supporterà il Direttore Marketing e Comunicazione dell'azienda nel tradurre e declinare gli obiettivi del Business nella creazione del Marketing Plan, nella esecuzione delle Campagne Marketing e Comunicazione nonché nella misurazione dei risultati generati (ROI).
Potrà anche relazionarsi direttamente con i Sales Account dell'Azienda per concordare e definire azioni marketing mirate su specifici prospects/ customers.

Idealmente, il candidato:

  • Ha sviluppato una conoscenza approfondita delle logiche che governano l’Inbound Marketing ed in particolare padroneggia i Moduli CRM e Marketing di Hubspot (la conoscenza di Pardot è considerato un plus): i.e. costruzione di Campagne Emailing, Landing Pages, etc..
  • Ha padronanza sull’utilizzo di Linkedin per creare Campagne end-to-end sia attraverso Campaign Manager (campagne ADV) che Navigator (i.e. creazione di Liste).
  • E’ in grado di produrre testi e creatività (la conoscenza di CANVA rappresenta un plus) necessari e funzionali alla implementazione delle Campagne Marketing e Comunicazione del Cliente.

Se non hai esperienza ma vuoi acquisirla rapidamente, dimostra la tua determinazione, acquisendo rapidamente le certificazioni in questo Cluster.

Una volta completate le Certificazioni, scrivi una mail a e vediamo di fare due chiacchiere fatte bene.

Ricorda, questa è una posizione di lavoro retribuita per cui sarai in competizione con altri. Potresti ottenerla oppure no, dipende da tante variabili. Ma, se ci pensi, è anche una strada concreta per orientarti nella crescita professionale, e nel costruirti un futuro in un ambito dove c'è molta richiesta. Quindi cosa hai da perdere?

Facciamo il tifo!

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Per questo cluster devi completare 7 certificazioni e tu ne hai già completati 0

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 14
    Level: Intermediate
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Content Marketing: Learn What Content Marketing is and How to Do It - FREE Certification Course
    This certification course will give you an overview of how to become an effective content marketer.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica CRM & Sales

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 4
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course Info:

    HubSpot Sales Software - FREE Certification Course
    The HubSpot Sales Software Certification demonstrates your ability to execute an inbound sales process using HubSpot CRM and Sales Hub. It is made up of 3 lessons. At the end of each class, you’ll be given practical exercises so you can immediately apply what you learn. You will need to perform these actions in order to earn your certification. There is also a 50-question, multiple-choice test you will need to pass in order to get certified.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 7
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Inbound Marketing - FREE Certification Course
    Learn inbound marketing techniques that range from content creation to social promotion to converting and nurturing leads and beyond. By the end of this certification course, you’ll be well on your way to building your inbound marketing strategy.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Talent & Governance

    Corso erogato in lingua Italiana
    Moduli: 12
    Livello: Avanzato
    Accesso: Gratuito

    Uno degli strumenti più potenti che hanno a disposizione le imprese all’interno del panorama dei social media è indubbiamente LinkedIn: il social network professionale per eccellenza.

    Attraverso LinkedIn le organizzazioni possono presentarsi all’esterno facendo branding sulla propria realtà dando voce ai prodotti, ai servizi e alle persone che lavorano all’interno dell’organizzazione stessa; possono fare employer management e recruiting per andare alla ricerca e acquisire nuovi talenti, possono creare e coltivare contatti commerciali, possono dimostrare leadership e referenziarsi all’interno del proprio ambito di business.

    Diventa quindi fondamentale oggi per un’impresa che vuole essere competitiva e in costante ricerca di opportunità di crescita e sviluppo, crearsi una propria presenza, visibilità e corretta gestione della comunicazione professionale su LinkedIn.

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 3
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    If you’re in sales, you’ve probably felt the frustration of having a bunch of meaningless tasks standing between you and your quota. Whether that’s data entry or internal processes or simply trying to find the right information, there are a lot of things that can get in the way of actually selling. Luckily, Sales Hub has a ton of tools designed to help with this very problem. In this lesson, you'll learn to use these tools to become more efficient in prioritizing and communicating with your leads.

    Course Structure: Getting Started With Account-Based Marketing (ABM) contains 3 videos and can be completed in approx 24 minutes

    • Why You Should Consider an Account Based Approach - 5 minutes
    • Five Steps to Creating an Account-Based Marketing Campaign - 9 minutes
    • Account-based Tools in HubSpot - 5 minutes
    • HubSpot Academy Lesson Survey - Article
    tematica Data Analytics & Visualization

    Course delivered in English
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Canva Design School Courses
    The Canva Design School is Canva's educational platform, blog, interactive workshop series, and teacher resource hub, aimed at increasing the world's visual literacy. The key components of Canva’s Design School are:

    • Interactive Online Design Course. Take interactive tutorials on branding, fonts, layouts, images and more. Track your progress and share your results with friends.
    • Daily Design Publication. Read great content every day on Canva’s Design School blog. Our range of experts will share practical tips that you can use.
    • Teacher Resources Portal and Lesson Plans. A comprehensive series of workshops and lesson plans designed for teachers to use in the classroom. Teach your students the importance of visual communication with practical classroom activities.
    tematica Assessment & Strategy

    Course delivered in English
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Canva Design School Courses
    The Canva Design School is Canva's educational platform, blog, interactive workshop series, and teacher resource hub, aimed at increasing the world's visual literacy. The key components of Canva’s Design School are:

    • Interactive Online Design Course. Take interactive tutorials on branding, fonts, layouts, images and more. Track your progress and share your results with friends.
    • Daily Design Publication. Read great content every day on Canva’s Design School blog. Our range of experts will share practical tips that you can use.
    • Teacher Resources Portal and Lesson Plans. A comprehensive series of workshops and lesson plans designed for teachers to use in the classroom. Teach your students the importance of visual communication with practical classroom activities.

    Should you have problem understanding english language videos, please be aware that transcripts are also available