PILOT - CRM & Sales

Se hai fretta di passare al livello successivo e sei interessato a focalizzarti su competenze “CRM & Sales” e relative Botteghe questa potrebbe essere una buona combinazione per raggiungere rapidamente l'obiettivo.


Guilds42 non è semplicemente una piattaforma di E-Learning, il nostro approccio è diverso. Guilds42 si occupa di "curation di percorsi formativi".

Secondo Guilds42 non è lo studio il focus, ma piuttosto tornare ad offrire a chi ha ambizione di crescere dei percorsi e delle scelte.

Non si studia per "il pezzo di carta" ma piuttosto per prepararsi ad una attività concreta dove approfondire e sporcarsi le mani con le nozioni teoriche studiate. Formarsi significa solo iniziare a "prepararsi" per svolgere operativamente un lavoro; per questo ogni Certificazione, ogni Cluster ed ogni Bottega Guilds42 sono livelli diversi di percorsi (Next Level Up appunto). Sono percorsi brevi che però permettono di capire, assaggiare e misurarsi con tematiche diverse. Su alcuni percorsi scoccherà la scintilla e scopriremo l'ambito su cui vogliamo approfondire e focalizzarci. Su altri capiremo finalmente che “non fa per noi”. Questa, credeteci, è crescita!

In Guilds42 si entra e, come primo livello, si affrontano certificazioni. Questo è il primo passo per avvicinarsi ad una tematica nuova. Nulla però è in grado di "consolidare" quelle nozioni e trasformarle in modalità di lavoro nuove, come l'esperienza di Bottega Pilot (secondo livello) .

Chi vi cerca, non si fermerà alle nozioni teoriche (Hard Skills e certificazioni) ma si domanderà "che cosa hai già fatto"? A questa domanda sarà l'esperienza in Bottega a rispondere durante un colloquio, una esperienza reale, concreta, in collaborazione, con deadlines e consegne, a fianco di Artisti esigenti e clienti paganti.
Questo è ciò che cercano le aziende nei vostri curriculum; saper abbinare Certificazioni (di strumenti di lavoro) ad esperienza pratica quindi non solo aiuta a crescere rapidamente ma porta reali benefici spendibili sul mercato.

Le vostre dashboard Guilds42 sapranno presentare le informazioni necessarie meglio di ogni curriculum: hard skills, Learnability, rating, Ranking sono metriche che aiutano a comprendere e facilitano l'allineamento tra ciò che le aziende cercano ed i percorsi di crescita individuali.

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Per questo cluster devi completare 11 certificazioni e tu ne hai già completati 0

    tematica CRM & Sales

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 4
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course Info:

    HubSpot Sales Software - FREE Certification Course
    The HubSpot Sales Software Certification demonstrates your ability to execute an inbound sales process using HubSpot CRM and Sales Hub. It is made up of 3 lessons. At the end of each class, you’ll be given practical exercises so you can immediately apply what you learn. You will need to perform these actions in order to earn your certification. There is also a 50-question, multiple-choice test you will need to pass in order to get certified.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter guilds42.com e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Talent & Governance

    Corso erogato in lingua Italiana
    Moduli: 12
    Livello: Avanzato
    Accesso: Gratuito

    Uno degli strumenti più potenti che hanno a disposizione le imprese all’interno del panorama dei social media è indubbiamente LinkedIn: il social network professionale per eccellenza.

    Attraverso LinkedIn le organizzazioni possono presentarsi all’esterno facendo branding sulla propria realtà dando voce ai prodotti, ai servizi e alle persone che lavorano all’interno dell’organizzazione stessa; possono fare employer management e recruiting per andare alla ricerca e acquisire nuovi talenti, possono creare e coltivare contatti commerciali, possono dimostrare leadership e referenziarsi all’interno del proprio ambito di business.

    Diventa quindi fondamentale oggi per un’impresa che vuole essere competitiva e in costante ricerca di opportunità di crescita e sviluppo, crearsi una propria presenza, visibilità e corretta gestione della comunicazione professionale su LinkedIn.

    tematica Assessment & Strategy

    Corso erogato in lingua Italiana
    Moduli: 6
    Livello: Principiante
    Accesso: Gratuito

    Corso di preparazione: Lead Generation, Inbound Marketing, E-commerce, Facebook Advertising, in un unico percorso che chiamiamo "di preparazione" alle Gilde.

    Se ancora non hai familiarità con terminologie, modelli e processi digitali nuovi eccoti una serie di rapidi webinar di artisti di Bottega come Luigi Montemurro., Eveljn Emmanuello, Alberto Giusti, Massimo Calabrese, Gennaro Polito e tanti altri che seguiranno

    Tramite questo webinar ti faremo scoprire le opportunità che offre il digital. Parleremo dei canali, degli asset e delle metodologie da conoscere per iniziare a strutturare una strategia per il tuo business e per i tuoi futuri clienti.

    *“Molti dati, riferimenti e statistiche sono datati 2018. Oggi questi dati sono ulteriormente cresciuti e sono quindi elementi ancor più significativi per le materie affrontate nel corso”.

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 5
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Inbound Sales - FREE Certification Course
    The Inbound Sales Certification covers the basics of an inbound approach to sales. This course is for individual sales reps who are looking for actionable tips to use in their next call or meeting. You’ll learn how to identify new prospects, connect with them, explore their needs, and advise them on a path forward.

    This Certification Course is managed by our patner Hubspot. In order to get this certification you will be required to unrole onto Hubspot Academy Platform, where you will be able to find this and many other courses and Certifications.

    Be Advised: during the unroling process you might be prompted a Company domani and the name of the Company. Please enter guilds42.com e Guilds42 when asked.

    Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 3
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    Creating a High Performing Email has 3 videos and can be completed in just 30 minutes

    • Why focus on high-performing email? - 5 minutes
    • How do you create a high-performing email? - 16 minutes
    • What do high-performing emails look like? - 6 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 5 questions
    tematica Lead Generation

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 4
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    How to Delight Customers Using Workflows has 4 video lessons and can be completed in less than 20 minutes

    Lesson Description:

    • The Importance of Delighting Customers - 3 minutes
    • How to Build a Workflow for Onboarding Customers - 2 minutes
    • How to Create a Workflow Centered on a Date Property - 3 minutes
    • How to Create a Workflow for Requesting Customer Feedback - 2 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 2 questions
    tematica Assessment & Strategy

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 4
    Level: Intermediate
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    In this course, you'll learn how you can take your business from a funnel to a flywheel model. Along the way, you’ll discover strategies that place your customers at the center of your business.

    Course Structure:

    • Why It's Time to Replace Your Funnel With a Flywheel - 7 minutes
    • Making Your CRM the Center of Your Flywheel - 4 minutes
    • Understanding the customer journey - 4 minutes
    • Creating a customer journey map - 5 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 3 questions
    • Why does the flywheel work with HubSpot? - 7 minutes
    • How to apply the flywheel: Attract - 8 minutes
    • How to apply the flywheel: Engage - 9 minutes
    • How to apply the flywheel: Delight - 11 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 5 questions
    • Case Study: Office Furniture Warehouse and the Flywheel - 20 minutes
    • How to map your flywheel to HubSpot - 5 minutes
    • Map Your Flywheel to HubSpot - Template
    • Survey: Going From the Funnel to the Flywheel Course
    tematica CRM & Sales

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 5
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info: In this lesson, you'll understand how the HubSpot CRM is designed to help implement your sales process.

    Course Structure:

    • Why is the HubSpot CRM important to your sales process? - 2 minutes
    • How does the HubSpot CRM organize sales data? - 2 minutes
    • How to implement your sales process with HubSpot CRM - 4 minutes
    • How to edit deal stages in HubSpot - 1 minute
    • Practical exercise - Create a deal


    Knowledge base: HubSpot's default deal properties (https://knowledge.hubspot.com/deals/hubspots-default-deal-properties)
    Knowledge base: Set up and customize your deal pipelines and deal stages (https://knowledge.hubspot.com/deals/set-up-and-customize-your-deal-pipelines-and-deal-stages)

    tematica CRM & Sales

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 5
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info: Master data entry in your HubSpot CRM: In this lesson, learn how to manage properties for your various CRM records

    • Why is property management important for your business? - 1 minute
    • How do you manage properties in HubSpot? - 3 minutes
    • How to create custom properties in HubSpot - 2 minutes
    • Customize properties in the “About” section of a HubSpot contact record - 2 minutes
    • Customize properties when creating records in HubSpot - 2 minutes


    Knowledge base: Create custom property groups (https://knowledge.hubspot.com/crm-setup/manage-your-properties)

    tematica CRM & Sales

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 6
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    When you're prospecting, there’s a whole bunch of behind-the-scenes work you have to do to figure out who you should be reaching out to. In this lesson, you'll learn how to filter, organize, and view the contacts in your account. You'll also learn about the HubSpot tools that will help you add new leads to your account.

    Course Structure: Prospecting in HubSpot, Part 1: Identifying Good-Fit Leads contains 6 videos and can be completed in approx 31 minutes

    • Introduction to Prospecting - 2 minutes
    • Filtering Your Contacts - 6 minutes
    • Creating Contacts Manually - 3 minutes
    • Chatflows - 5 minutes
    • Filtering for Your Ideal Customer Profile - 3 minutes
    • Filtering for Interest - 6 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 3 questions
    • Practical exercise - Filter your contacts

    During this course you will be asked to perform a Practical Exercise on Hubspot: Filter your contacts in HubSpot

    Exercise instructions

    • This exercise is required in order to complete the lesson. It will be graded automatically. Make sure your account meets the criteria.
    • Should you need to open a developer licence (free) you should follow instructions here
    • When you've finished the exercise, it'll be graded within 24 hours.
    • You must pass this exercise to become certified.
    tematica CRM & Sales

    Course delivered in English
    Lessons: 6
    Level: Beginners
    Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

    Course info:

    If you’re in sales, you’ve probably felt the frustration of having a bunch of meaningless tasks standing between you and your quota. Whether that’s data entry or internal processes or simply trying to find the right information, there are a lot of things that can get in the way of actually selling. Luckily, Sales Hub has a ton of tools designed to help with this very problem. In this lesson, you'll learn to use these tools to become more efficient in prioritizing and communicating with your leads.

    Course structure: Prospecting in HubSpot, Part 2: Connecting With Your Contacts contains 7 videos and can be completed in approx 35 minutes

    • Creating Tasks - 6 minutes
    • Working Through a Task Queue - 3 minutes
    • Calling Your Contacts - 3 minutes
    • Using Templates and Documents - 6 minutes
    • Booking Meetings - 2 minutes
    • Scheduling Emails and Follow-up Tasks - 3 minutes
    • Using Sequences - 4 minutes
    • Quiz yourself - 3 questions
    • Practical exercise - Create a task
    • Practical exercise - Create or send a sales email template

    During this course you will be asked to perform 2 Practical Exercises on Hubspot: "Create a Task" and "Create or send a sales email template"

    Exercise instructions

    • This exercise is required in order to complete the lesson. It will be graded automatically. Make sure your account meets the criteria.
    • Should you need to open a developer licence (free) you should follow instructions here
    • When you've finished the exercise, it'll be graded within 24 hours.
    • You must pass this exercise to become certified.